Bitbucket permission denied


This is a normal permission denied issue for Git remote repository access.

Here is the error message:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin\git.exe" pull --rebase --progress "CPMS-DPW-CIPGIS" +refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/CPMS-DPW-CIPGIS/master
Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.


In our case, it is simple. Since our only interaction w/ the remote repository is PULL, just change the SSH connection URL:

to a HTTP URL:

If you do need both PULL and PUSH, setting SSH w/ a private key (on the local computer) and a public key (on Bitbucket) is more helpful. See Set up SSH for Git .

Basically, there are 2 steps to configure SSH on my Windows computer w/ Git Extension:

  1. Generating a private key and a public key using Putty:

  2.  Uploading the public key on my Bitbucket account. See "Set up SSH for Windows"/"Step 5. Install the public key on your Bitbucket account" on Set up SSH for Git .